Finding A Home Where You Work

See for yourself why clients book with Elite, year after year

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Staff Photo - Justin

After graduating from post-secondary in Marketing Communications, I had spent years working as a freelance content creator taking contracts and small jobs as a means of survival. By doing this, I had the pleasure of working alongside a lot of different marketing teams: planning and developing content to help promote their brand, event, and even musicians and bands. Working with the likes of Pita Pit, the YMCA, Royal LePage, Queen’s University, the NDP, and so many more within such a short period of time, my growth as a marketing professional was rapid and my opportunities to learn surpassed any amount provided in a typical schooling environment. 

Once I wrapped up my last contract with Queen’s University, where I developed course material for the engineering department, I was back on my own without a steady source of income. I had known Chris for a few years now, meeting through mutual friends and social events. I hadn’t been unemployed for much longer than three weeks when I noticed he had posted a job opportunity in their Marketing Department. I messaged him immediately showing my interest, had an interview the next day and left with a new full-time, contract-free career: goal accomplished.

Within my first week, I had hit the ground running developing ads, pictures, videos, and quickly proving myself as a valuable asset to the company. There was no training required, they told me what needed to be done, I knew how to do it, and finished everything with the intent of exceeding their expected level of quality. From one success to another, I was quickly given more work and responsibility; I helped develop the Elite brand to what it currently is today and lead in designing their new brand, Lemonade Window Cleaning. 

I’m finally in a place where I can look forward to my future without having to worry where my next meal is coming from. I can’t wait to see the brand evolve, and I’m proud to be a part of the Elite family. 

Check out some of the work I’ve done while working at Elite:

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